January 17, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

There are many factors that contribute to your salary. However, what you can do as an employee to get a better salary is to prove your worth and get paid what you’re worth. If you’re in the market for a new job or just looking for ways to increase your paycheck, checking out new opportunities, and exploring different career paths, it’s time to explore other options besides staying put.

With jobs available and competition for top talent at a high level, finding a new job is challenging enough but there are options. But with many job opportunities come low salaries as well.

Here are some ideas on how to break free from the same old, same old routine at work and stand out from the crowd so your boss takes notice:

Have a clear idea of what you’re worth

To start, you need to get an idea of what you’re worth and that means taking the time to really research what others in your field are making and identifying what your value is in the eyes of your client. The best way to determine what you’re worth is to do some research on your own or with the help of a good friend.

Demonstrate your skills and expertise

You skills and expertise are two areas in which you need to demonstrate to your employer what you can do. This might involve doing some extra projects that don’t receive the attention they deserve. It could also mean stepping up to lead a team or take over a project that’s been neglected.

Regardless, you want to make it clear to your employer how valuable you are at a specific skill set. A good example of this is demonstrating your expertise by teaching a class. There are many ways you can do this, but one way you can demonstrate your expertise is by teaching a class at your company or elsewhere. This gives you the chance to go beyond just showing your knowledge and actually teach something.

Translate your skills and expertise into results and what those results mean for the company in a sales, transactions or another measurable results.

Research the market to discover what other people are earning

Research the market and find out what others in your field are making. This will let you get a better idea of what your value is and show your worth to your boss. Most salary guides are kept confidential by the company and specific to each person. This makes it hard to get a true idea of what others are making across the board. What you can do is use crowdsourcing sites to find out what others in your field are making. Some people use sites like SalaryExchange.com to find out what people in their specific industry are making. Others use tools like Google’s Advanced Search to help them find out what other people are earning and find salary guides.

Network like crazy if you want a pay raise

Another way is to stay in front of your boss and show your worth in to network and communicate internally. This could mean sending thank you notes to your superiors or doing extra things for people above you in the company hierarchy to stay connected. This could mean connecting with your boss on a regular basis, getting involved with company initiatives, or doing something for your company that goes above and beyond.

Communicate your value to your employer

Once you’ve researched the market, figured out what others are making, and demonstrated your skills, it’s time to deliver value. This means communicating your value to your boss and showing them how you can deliver on a problem or opportunity. This is a crucial step in getting paid what you’re worth and solidifying your value with your boss. It’s important to keep in mind that you want to make sure you’re always delivering value. This could mean doing research on a problem or opportunity your company is facing.

Demonstrate your worth with your work ethic and skills

Once you’ve demonstrated your value, it’s important to show your worth with your work ethic. This could mean staying late or coming in early every day to get the job done. It could also mean putting in the extra hours on your own projects to make sure they’re done right. It could even mean doing something above and beyond the call of duty to help your company or boss.

Show what you’ll do for a salary improvement – negotiate hard

The last thing you want is to accept the salary you’re offered. This is what some would call settling for less than you deserve. If you want to get paid more and get a salary increase, you have to negotiate hard. This means coming up with a salary increase that shows your worth and reflects your value.

Stay flexible and stay learning

Stay flexible and keep learning – This means staying current in your field and keeping your skills up to date and current. This will help you stand out in your field and provide value. It also means taking advantage of opportunity and new training programs that are offered.

Bottom line

The good news is that you can get a better salary, improve benefits, and work fewer hours. It just takes hard work and a willingness to change your work habits and show your worth, which is something every employee should have.

More about Bernie…

Senior Director, Consumer Media Group at Confluent Health – Growth marketing focus on brand awareness, interest and new patient acquisition to our 44+ partner brands and 530+ locations across the US. Accountable for driving yearly business results supported by our consumer strategy and direct-to-consumer roadmaps. The Media team is responsible for owned and paid media as it relates to performance marketing, campaign management, partnerships, website development & support, search engine optimization, relationship marketing, Yext (Google My Business) support, recruiting, email marketing and supporting our partners at the local level.

Chief Cheese – Strategy & Engagement at B2The7 – Helping brands Reach, Retain & Regain customers with Omni-Channel data-driven strategies and tactics that focus on increasing sales, transactions, comps and customer engagement.

B2The7 Photography – Sharing experiences with photography: nature, landscapes, sunsets, flowers, animals and more.

Helping job seekers & recruiters daily…Founder of Careerbarn.com – Bringing jobseekers and employers together since 2000.