Storytelling + Customers = Journey Is your storytelling taking your customers on a journey? What brands are doing a great job with their story? #Digital360chat #digital #marketing #social #branding

Super excited about being a guest tomorrow on the #TwitterSmarter #TwitterChat We will be talking about Twitter Chats and running your own chat. Join in at 1pm ET…hosted by @MadalynSklar. This will be fun…who doesn’t like a great Chat??? #Digital360Chat

It starts internally… Create a culture that cares and thinks like the customer #Digital360chat #digital #marketing #social

Content with a purpose… Content is for your audience and not you – give them the solutions to the issues they are wanting to solve. #Digital360chat #digital #marketing #social

Remember…no matter how good your customer feedback is, it starts over with the next customer! #Digital360chat #digital #marketing #social

Your content is for your audience, not you! #Digital360chat #digital #marketing

Twitter Tip Quality over quantity! The size of your total followers doesn’t matter if they are not engaging, liking, sharing or commenting on your content. #Digital360chat #digital #marketing

As customers, we have plenty of options. Do you know why your customers chose you? #Digital360chat #customers #digital #social

ONE! What does one mean to you? You only have to positively impact one person each day! That is all, just one!  Smile, say hello or just go out of your way to make someone else feel special. #BeingABetterPerson #Sunday

Everyone has a super power…and that super power is that no one is you! #Digital360chat #SaturdayVibes #Motivation #inspiration