Individuals can be just as successful as being a disruptor as a brand is. Take LaVar Ball for example – Love him or hate him, he has been a disruptor for the past 9 months to a year by making

Amazon is at it again – Amazon & Whole Foods. The grocery business is about to change, so hold on for the ride. This acquisition should compliment Amazon’s AmazonFresh and wake/shake up the grocery industry and give customers the ability

Coming up on 17 years at Papa John’s and it has been amazing to see the growth of the online business over that time and being part of the teams that have made it happen – 17 years after launching,

What do you consider to be some of the most influential digital/technical enhancements that have impacted the general public/masses the most in the last 10 years?

The anticipation and joy one had while waiting to get their film developed is such a fading memory, much like The Eastman Kodak Company. Kodak is another brand that failed to adapt to emerging digital technologies and instead focused on

With the news that SEARS is closing even more stores, it takes me back to when there seemed like a BLOCKBUSTER was on every corner. Blockbuster was the leader, had over 50 million customer records and had Netflix where they

QSR question – You or your family will most likely eat at a Quick Service Restaurant on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday? A – Friday B – Saturday C – Sunday D – All

How connected to your profession and network are you on the weekends? The interaction will pretty much tell all, we are pretty much always connected, 7 days a week. It can be checking email, getting on LinkedIn, catching up from

What is a brand or company that you would like to emulate – this can be the culture, customer services, quality products and so on?

Small observations of LinkedIn updates over the last few weeks…As someone, at least I think, that posts relevant and useful information for my network, I have noticed over the last few weeks that overall engagement from 2nd degree network has