December 30, 2022 | Posted in B2The7 Bits, Career, job search | By B2the7
Creating a culture that inspires and motivates employees is no easy feat. You need to balance providing employees with the right training, tools and resources while also fostering an environment where they feel comfortable expressing their ideas.
A lot of this comes down to employee morale, or the general happiness of your staff. However, increasing employee morale isn’t as daunting as you might think. With a little bit of strategic thinking and some careful planning you can create happier employees who are more likely to stick around for the long term as well as help them flourish in their new role sooner rather than later too.
Today we’re going to look at ways you can boost employee morale in your company culture and get the best from your team.
Create A Sense Of Belonging For All Staff, No Matter Which Area You’re In
One of the most important things you can do to boost employee morale is to create a sense of belonging for all members of your team, no matter where they work or which department they’re in. This is incredibly important for several reasons.
Firstly, it can help to boost retention rates as employees want to feel engaged and connected to their work. Secondly, it can help to increase job satisfaction among your team as they can be more likely to put in the effort and see their job as more than just a 9-5 job.
Finally, it can help to bring teams together and create a stronger sense of community within your company culture. When staff feel like they belong and have a connection to their company they’re more likely to be engaged, happy and productive at work.
Encourage Creativity And Feedback
One of the best ways to boost employee morale is to encourage creativity and feedback. In this day and age, we’re all too often told to “follow orders” and “do what you’re told”. This can have a negative impact on your team members, both in the short and long-term. Encouraging a culture where everyone feels free to bring their creativity and feedback to the table, whether that’s with their work or customers, is incredibly important.
This can help to boost team morale and engagement as individuals are able to be more themselves and contribute their best ideas and suggestions. It can also help to boost job satisfaction as individuals are able to feel like they’re a part of something bigger than themselves.
Celebrate Achievements
Another important way to boost employee morale is to celebrate your team’s achievements. This doesn’t necessarily need to be huge, expensive or even company-oriented. It just needs to be something that your team can come together and celebrate.
This doesn’t necessarily have to be embodied in a party either. It can be as simple as a lunch where everyone comes together to talk about the achievements of others on the team and celebrate them. It can also be as simple as hosting a monthly “random act of team-mate” where you pick a team member at random and give them a small reward (or thank them for a big one) for no reason at all. When your team comes together to celebrate the achievements of each other it can boost employee morale as it gives them a sense of belonging and community.
It can also help to boost team spirit as it can help to bring teams together and remind them of the bigger goals and bigger picture.
Focus On Health And Safety
One of the best ways to boost employee morale is to focus on health and safety for everyone on the team. This doesn’t need to be over the top or in-your-face. It just needs to be something that is taken seriously and something that is never forgotten. For example, health and safety should be something that is always on the minds of team members.
This doesn’t just need to be your employees either. It needs to be something that is also taken seriously by customers and vendors as well. When health and safety is something that is always on the minds of everyone on the team, it helps to boost employee morale as it reminds everyone that their health and safety are important.
It can also help to boost job satisfaction as it reminds team members that they need to take care of themselves and take care of each other.
Build A Great Working Environment
Another important way to boost employee morale is to build a great working environment. This doesn’t just need to be based on aesthetics either. It needs to be a place where people want to work.
When your company has a great working environment, where people want to be, it can boost employee morale as it reminds everyone that their job is important and desirable. It can also help to boost job satisfaction as it reminds team members that they’re doing a great job, even if their job title might not be what they expected when they joined your company. It can also boost team spirit and create a stronger sense of community within your company culture.
When your working environment is great, where people want to be, it can boost employee morale as it reminds everyone that their job is important and desirable. It can also boost job satisfaction as it reminds team members that they’re doing a great job, even if their job title might not be what they expected when they joined your company. It can also boost team spirit and create a stronger sense of community within your company culture.
Provide Learning Opportunities For All Staff
Another important way to boost employee morale is to provide learning opportunities for all staff. This doesn’t need to be formal and structured. It can be a more informal of training and resources that are available to team members. When learning opportunities are available for everyone on your team, it helps to boost employee morale as it reminds everyone that there are new things to learn and new skills to be developed.
It can also help to boost job satisfaction as it reminds team members that they need to keep learning and developing themselves as well as their skills and responsibilities.
Match The Needs Of Individual Staff With Organized Events For That Staff Only
Another important way to boost employee morale is to match the needs of individual staff with organized events for that staff only. This doesn’t just need to be based on engagement or motivation. It can be a more individual-based approach to manage team members on an individual basis.
When you’re able to match the needs of individual staff with organized events for that staff only, it helps to boost employee morale as it reminds everyone that they’re an important member of the team. It can also help to boost job satisfaction as it reminds team members that they’re an important member of the team.
Add Some Automation To Help alleviate Stress And Increase Productivity
Another important way to boost employee morale is to add some automation to help alleviate stress and increase productivity. This doesn’t need to be overly complex either. It just needs to be something that is automated and helps to alleviate the stress and pressure.
For example, having a company culture where employees are not expected to stay late in the evening can help to reduce the amount of stress that team members feel during the day. It can also be helpful to have automated tools and resources that can help to reduce the amount of time that it takes to complete certain tasks. When automation is added to help to alleviate stress and increase productivity, it helps to boost employee morale as it reminds everyone that they’re not working under pressure, they’re just working.
It can also boost job satisfaction as it reminds team members that they’re just working, not under pressure. It can also boost team spirit and create a stronger sense of community within your company culture.
There are a lot of ways to boost employee morale in your company culture. These are just a few of them. By taking the time to think about ways that can boost employee morale and create a better working environment you can create a happier, more productive team.
More about Bernie…
Senior Director, Consumer Media Group at Confluent Health – Growth marketing focus on brand awareness, interest and new patient acquisition to our 44+ partner brands and 530+ locations across the US. Accountable for driving yearly business results supported by our consumer strategy and direct-to-consumer roadmaps. The Media team is responsible for owned and paid media as it relates to performance marketing, campaign management, partnerships, website development & support, search engine optimization, relationship marketing, Yext (Google My Business) support, recruiting, email marketing and supporting our partners at the local level.
Chief Cheese – Strategy & Engagement at B2The7 – Helping brands Reach, Retain & Regain customers with Omni-Channel data-driven strategies and tactics that focus on increasing sales, transactions, comps and customer engagement.
B2The7 Photography – Sharing experiences with photography: nature, landscapes, sunsets, flowers, animals and more.
Helping job seekers & recruiters daily…Founder of – Bringing jobseekers and employers together since 2000.