Routines are great, but they are also a series of habits – you can have both good and bad habits.

Routines are good for daily structure, daily organization, daily order and so on. A routine is great until it begins to become old and stagnant and begins to hamper your growth.

Build into your routine, time to get “outside” your comfort zone. Try something new, go a different direction, do something that challenges you in ways that you haven’t been challenged before.

As with business and life, disruption happens and you need to be ready to deal with a challenge that is outside your routine.

Take the time to look at your daily routines and habits. What is working and what isn’t, make changes and adjustments that will help you grown and learn – don’t get too comfortable.

How often are you changing up your routine to stay fresh?


– Follow for more thoughts, Bernie Fussenegger –

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