The wonderful thing about social is that location is not a barrier. The distance between Louisville, KY and Australia is 9,963 miles or 12 hours ahead of Louisville time.

Doyle Buehler

Back in April, Doyle Buehler and myself didn’t let those 9,963 miles be a barrier as I had Doyle #InTheSpotlight with the #Digital360Chat.

A little more about Doyle. He is the author of #Breakthrough – Unleash Your Remarkable Brand Value, Influence And Authority: Evolve Your Strategy & Marketing

Doyle began in the digital world back in 2002, built a couple of ecommerce startups in Canada that expanded around the world, and found himself in Australia in 2011.

His first startup was a retail/online based 3D printing and manufacturing company, which had on-demand manufacturing in a retail environment.

The second one was on-demand manufacturing for a product that I invented and have the patent on – customizable ‘skins’ for portable electronics.

Doyle preaches that strategy needs to come first – not your website nor your social media. Strategy is your roadmap that will get you to your destination. It’s also important to deliver your own ‘pillars’ of your own value that is tangible and that tells your audiences story and how they can overcome their challenges.

Doyle’s advice for those just getting started…

“Just start with a plan, a strategy, get an understanding of what value you actually deliver for your audience, what problem you solve“

“Focus on telling the story of your customer, how you will get them from their struggles to their successes – remember it’s not about you, it’s about your customer”

“Be yoda, not Luke Skywalker – it’s their journey, not yours – tell their story, not yours. This is how you create emotional buy-in”

Soooo much more about Doyle. Check out the full interview here

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