These are the 6 Red Flags You Should Look for to Know You Need a New Job

April 4, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

It’s never easy to leave a job, and it can be even harder when you’re not sure if it’s the right time. In most cases, you might have noticed that employees are leaving jobs for no clear reason other than

Why Google Reviews are SO Important For Your Business

March 15, 2023 | Posted in Business, Marketing | By

Your customer is reading your business’s Google Reviews right now. They’re looking at the different businesses in their neighborhood and trying to figure out which one they should choose for their next purchase or service. Why? Because your customers are

5 Things to Consider Before Accepting a New Job

March 14, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

When you’re eager to find your next job, it can be easy to jump at any opportunity that comes along. Of course, this sometimes backfires. For example, if you’re looking for a new job but the prospective employer isn’t offering

The Benefits of Self-Service Kiosks: How Self-Service Kiosks Can Improve Your Restaurant Customer Experience

March 14, 2023 | Posted in Customer Experience, Customer Journeys, Marketing, Technology | By

Self-service kiosks have become a popular way to offer a convenient and efficient experience for customers. The majority of self-service Kiosk programs are designed to increase operational efficiency and provide an enhanced user experience. In fact, as the technology continues

How To Make A Pizza Pi Day Celebration Happen

March 12, 2023 | Posted in Digital Marketing, Marketing | By

The History Channel definition of Pi Day – “March 14 marks Pi Day, an annual celebration of the mathematical sign pi. Founded in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, March 14 was selected because the numerical date (3.14) represents the first

How Restaurant Loyalty Programs Provide The Data To Help Drive Business Decisions While Improving Customer Experiences

March 7, 2023 | Posted in Digital, Digital Marketing, Loyalty, Marketing, Rewards | By

Loyalty programs are a cost of doing business with most restaurants. The programs provide data that helps drive business decisions, improve customer experiences and grow revenue. It’s important to understand the different loyalty programs available and when they should be

How to Create a Great Restaurant Experience Using Product Innovation

March 1, 2023 | Posted in Customer Experience, Restaurant | By

Restaurants are constantly trying to wow their guests with new and exciting experiences. After all, the moment your guest walks through the door is when they experience your brand for the first time. How can you ensure that they have

How to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview

February 28, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search, Networking, Uncategorized | By

Everyone has seen that scene in the movies where the applicant is stumped at the end, after being asked every question they could possibly have been asked and not having anything to say. However, this situation happens all too often.

How to Use Data and Analytics to Drive Your Restaurant Loyalty Program

February 22, 2023 | Posted in Analytics, Apps, Branding, Digital, Email Marketing, Loyalty, Rewards, Strategy | By

You’ve set up a loyalty program for your restaurant and your customers are excited about earning points and unlocking unique rewards. But as you soon realize, there’s a lot more to running a successful loyalty program than just enabling your

How Retailers Are Innovating With Technology To Connect With Consumers

February 21, 2023 | Posted in Innovation, Retail, Technology | By

Today’s consumers are tech savvy and expect to be able to access the same online shopping experience, no matter where they are or what device they use. With an increasing number of shoppers accessing e-commerce through their mobile and tablet