When you’re new to a job, it can be easy to let your enthusiasm get the best of you. Just when you think you’ve made your first impression, something small and insignificant can end your tenure in an instant. That’s

Businesses of all types have a greater need to connect with their customers than ever before. When a company’s primary business is digital, it can leverage the power of social media to engage directly with consumers and build trust at

Success is a concept that cannot be forced. Instead, it calls for you to be willing to work for it. Your success in life depends on your ability to manage your time and stay organized. However, this is easier said

Digital marketing is the future and it’s here. On any given day, more than 70% of all internet users are using smartphones and tablets to access information. People are also turning to digital content like blogs and e-books for tutorials

Job searching can be overwhelming, especially if you have little experience or experience in just one field. The good news is that there are a variety of job search strategies you can use to find your next opportunity. Whether you’re

It is an honor to be included on this list of so many digital marketing professionals and peers. Thank you to NOW Marketing Group and Jessika Phillips for including. Good to know that I’m doing something right that is making

Lots of debate on the question of sending a thank you message after an interview. The follow up email or message is a “nice” thing to do but not something that should be expected or something that should sway the

In my ongoing evolution and support of jobseekers, everything that I share are just recommendations that I have used from my past job searching experiences on what has worked for myself. These are also recommendations from many others that have

Starting Additional Income Streams: Savvy Strategies For Building Successful Side HustlesHoly Side-Hustle Batman! What an incredible chat! July 27, 2022 – Guest on the #WinnieSun Twitter Chat Holy Side-Hustle Batman! What an incredible chat! HUGE thanks to @mowenranger, @Ross_Quintana, and

Are you looking for more awareness for you recruiting, your brand and your job openings? Over the last 10+ years I have been advocating for job seekers and giving them a platform to share what they are looking for while