We ask questions of our Twitter followers to learn more about them and to learn more about their habits – these Twitter polls are a great way to learn.

Below are some of the polls we have run and what the results were.

Twitter Poll that ended on 2/20. I ran a twitter poll on 2/20 around the “First social channel you check each day?” Any surprises?

The question was: First social channel you check each day?

Results below.

Twitter_poll_recap.02202019 copy

Twitter Poll that ended on 2/10. The results, outside of Twitter were interesting. I expected more from IG and I didn’t include FB, which would have been a good option.

The question was: Which social channel do you get the most engagement?

Results below.

Twitter_poll_recap.most engement

Twitter Poll that ended on 1/22. The results were what I expected for Twitter & Instagram but was more surprised with Facebook.

The question was: Which social media channel are you going to focus more on in 2019?

Results below – actual Twitter Poll
