We all want to grow more connections and followers.

Set expectations, send a message each time you send a connection request of why you want to connect and what they can expect from your content.

For example…

✍️ I use a content calendar and I know every Monday and Thursday I’m going to post a question around a trending topic to get insights and different points of views around that topic.

✍️ Every Wednesday, I will post a #Connectandfollow post for growth and bringing peeps together.

✍️ And then on Fridays, I will highlight a different connection who I interviewed on Twitter in my #Digital360Chat (Friday’s at 12pm ET). It is important to know our connections and learn more about them.

✍️ For everything else, I will sprinkle in other posts that aren’t planned but in the moment.

Numbers are great but it is from engagement that you will learn from others and get different perspectives. Diversity is awesome!

Keep growing but make sure to provide quality content and give people reasons to connect, follow and then engage.

LinkedIn is very powerful when you fully engage your connections with your content as a tool for learning and improving each day.

Anything to add?