Netflix, Spotify, Twitter and Others Go Down. A large scale distributed denial of service attach (DDoS) attach happened Friday morning that brought down Netflix, Spotify, Twitter, Amazon, Reddit and others on the East Coast. The attach happened the Dyn Managed DNS infrastructure. A DDoS is when a person or groups floods a site or service with large amounts of fake traffic to bring that site down. The service was resolved by 9:36 am.

Yahoo Wants to Know – Did the Feds Mass Snoop? Yahoo’s top lawyer published an open letter for the Office of the Director of National intelligence about whether the company was ordered to perform mass spying on its users. Reuters reported that Yahoo complied with the US Government and scanned hundreds of millions Yahoo Mail accounts. It is not clear what data, if any was handed order.

How the New York Times is using Facebook Messenger. Each morning, for the last 19 days of the presidential election, The New York Times has been using a Facebook Messenger Bot with its latest election forecast. Since July, more than 10,000 bots have created for the platform but many users find that finding news is easier on other places. The Times is promoting its bot in its apps and on its website. I’m heading there now to download and test out…more to come.

GoDaddy and Office 365 Users. GoDaddy announced on Thursday that is would be offering email archiving and email encryption for its customers who are Office 365 Users. This comes on the heals of leaks such as the WikiLeaks. The main goal is to make sending and protecting data easier. GoDaddy partnered with the cybersecurity firm Proofpoint for the encryption feature while the email archiving feature is also built with a partnership with Sonian.

Read more in detail –

About Bernie

With more than 23 years of experience in marketing, Bernie is the Director of Digital Marketing at Papa John’s International, based in Louisville, KY. His current focus is building and scaling a progressive digital marketing foundation that balances the needs of both consumers and national/local stakeholders —  all while delivering measurable ROI to the business.

Additionally, Bernie oversees brand representation for Papa John’s digital properties and manages direct-to-consumer channels including email, SMS and push messaging. Recent initiatives have centered around bringing together larger promotional efforts with targeted campaigns to engage the consumer at the precise moment of interest.

Follow Bernie on Twitter @B2the7 or @B7_Design & the B2The7 blog @

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