November 2, 2018 | Posted in Branding, Career, Digital Marketing, Digital360Chat, Goals, Leadership, Marketing, Mobile | By

Would like to invite you to the first #Digital360Chat on November 7 @ 7pm ET on Twitter.

I value your thoughts & insights and think you would add value to this chat to help it be successful.

📣 Topics for the first chat will include defining digital, what digital channels are the most effect, channels with most the opportunities, using data & insights and where to best personalize.

✏️ mark your 🗓 and set your ⏰ for November 7th @ 7pm EST.
👉 Use hashtag #Digital360Chat to follow along and to participate
👉 Share and bring with a friend!

Hope you can make it!


#Digital360Chat #WinWin #SPN #Digital #Marketing #projecthelpyougrow #socialmedia #success #linkedin #twitterchat #Twitter

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