These are the 6 Red Flags You Should Look for to Know You Need a New Job

April 4, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

It’s never easy to leave a job, and it can be even harder when you’re not sure if it’s the right time. In most cases, you might have noticed that employees are leaving jobs for no clear reason other than

5 Things to Consider Before Accepting a New Job

March 14, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

When you’re eager to find your next job, it can be easy to jump at any opportunity that comes along. Of course, this sometimes backfires. For example, if you’re looking for a new job but the prospective employer isn’t offering

How to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview

February 28, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search, Networking, Uncategorized | By

Everyone has seen that scene in the movies where the applicant is stumped at the end, after being asked every question they could possibly have been asked and not having anything to say. However, this situation happens all too often.

How Many Rounds of Interviews Are Necessary for a Hire?

February 20, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search, Resume | By

The topic for how many rounds of interviews is a hot-button topic with plenty of thoughts around it. How many rounds of interviews should a hiring manager expect to take their new employee through? The answer can vary depending on

How to Stand Out in a Job Search – Ways To Be Seen, Not Overlooked

February 14, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search, Networking, Resume | By

When you’re searching for a new job, you want to end up somewhere that’s a good fit. But how do you make sure your search ends with you? Instead of ending up in the proverbial pile? That’s where other things

Ways Successful People Stay Calm

February 6, 2023 | Posted in Career, Leadership, Motivation | By

Keeping a cool head under pressure is one of the great challenges of staying successful. With every new challenge, we grow as a person and a business, pushing ourselves to try new things, think outside the box and keep going

Things You Should Do Before You Change Jobs

January 31, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

Before you jump at the opportunity to land your next job, it’s important to think about how leaving your current position will impact your life. Leaving can be a scary proposition, but it can also be one of the most

The Benefits of Hiring Older Employees

January 22, 2023 | Posted in B2The7 Bits, Career, Human Resources, job search, Recruiting | By

I also write this as an employee who is over 50 and had to navigate looking for a new job when Papa John’s moved their corporate office to a new city impacting a couple hundred employees back in early 2021.

The Secret to Getting a Better Salary How To Prove Your Worth and Get Paid What You’re Worth

January 17, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

There are many factors that contribute to your salary. However, what you can do as an employee to get a better salary is to prove your worth and get paid what you’re worth. If you’re in the market for a

Ways to Reduce Stress Before Your Job Interview

January 16, 2023 | Posted in Career, job search | By

If you’re anything like most people, the idea of sitting through an in-depth job interview can be nerve-wracking. These days, competition for jobs is fierce and many candidates are so overqualified that they’re not even getting callbacks. The stress of