Ways Successful People Stay Calm

February 6, 2023 | Posted in Career, Leadership, Motivation | By B2the7
Keeping a cool head under pressure is one of the great challenges of staying successful. With every new challenge, we grow as a person and a business, pushing ourselves to try new things, think outside the box and keep going
Successful Time Management Approaches

December 4, 2022 | Posted in B2The7 Bits, Career, job search, Leadership | By B2the7
Success is a concept that cannot be forced. Instead, it calls for you to be willing to work for it. Your success in life depends on your ability to manage your time and stay organized. However, this is easier said
Dealing with a Seagull Manager

March 1, 2021 | Posted in Leadership | By B2the7
We have all been there, the project is moving along fine, everyone is on the same page and then all of the sudden one team member (usually someone from higher up) comes into the project and creates complete havoc. Introducing
Boss vs. Leader – Which One Are You?

February 16, 2021 | Posted in B2The7 Bits, Career, Leadership | By B2the7
Really think about, your actions will let you know which you are. A BOSS…takes credit, commands tasks, generates fear, says I, drains people and knows how it is done. A LEADER…gives credit, ask tasks, inspires enthusiasm, says we, helps people
Leadership is to helping others to grow, succeed and advance – it is not just about you, but it’s about them!

January 2, 2020 | Posted in Inspiration, Leadership, Motivation | By B2the7
How do you want to be remembered for with your #leadership style? Hopefully it will be that you cared about your people, you had their back, you gave them the credit and you helped them learn and grow. Anything to
What does being a good leader mean to you?

November 25, 2019 | Posted in Digital360Chat, Inspiration, Leadership | By B2the7
What does being a good leader mean to you?
Check out the newly created LinkedIn Group that is based on the #Digital360Chat Twitter Chat.

January 27, 2019 | Posted in Business, Digital360Chat, Leadership, LinkedIn | By B2the7
Check out the newly created LinkedIn Group that is based on the #Digital360Chat Twitter Chat. ++++GROUP NAME++++ #Digital360Chat: Digital Marketing, Social Media, Mobile Marketing and the Customer https://lnkd.in/e6QNp5X ++++++++++++++++++ This is a group for professionals to connect, learn, share tips,
QUESTION #8: Who are some Digital Marketing pros that you follow that are a source of information and inspiration? #Digital360Chat

November 20, 2018 | Posted in Digital Innovation, Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Digital360Chat, Goals, Inspiration, Leadership | By B2the7
✏️✏️✏️✏️ QUESTION #8: Who are some Digital Marketing pros that you follow that are a source of information and inspiration? #Digital360Chat ✏️✏️✏️✏️ 📣 Topics for this #LinkedIn Chat are #digital, data & insights, #marketing and the #customer. 👉 Engage, respond
Would like to invite you to the first #Digital360Chat on November 7 @ 7pm ET on Twitter.

November 2, 2018 | Posted in Branding, Career, Digital Marketing, Digital360Chat, Goals, Leadership, Marketing, Mobile | By B2the7
Would like to invite you to the first #Digital360Chat on November 7 @ 7pm ET on Twitter. I value your thoughts & insights and think you would add value to this chat to help it be successful. 📣 Topics for
Many times people choose to do what is easy instead of what is right.

October 16, 2018 | Posted in Career, Goals, Inspiration, Leadership, Motivation | By B2the7
Many times people choose to do what is easy instead of what is right. In the end, there ends up being more effort to fix what is done to make it right. #inspiration #motivation #leadershipcoaching #LeadershipMatters #LeadershipDevelopment #leadership #TuesdayThoughts #SPN
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