Customer benefits of a preference center

May 4, 2017 | Posted in Communications, Customer Experience, Preference Center | By B2the7
Yesterday were the benefits and value of a preference center for the brand – today I have included some of these benefits for the individual; empower the customer, get content they want, choose the frequency they want, may opt down
The benefits and value of a preference center

May 3, 2017 | Posted in Communications, Preference Center | By B2the7
The benefits and value of a preference center is for both the brand and the consumer. Some of these benefits for the brand include; ability to better understand your customer, use as an opt-down to save subscribers, ability the have
Communications preference center

May 2, 2017 | Posted in Communications, Preference Center | By B2the7
Brand question – You find a communications preference center useful to determine what, when and how you receive a brands message? A) Yes B) No
eMail preference center

May 1, 2017 | Posted in Communications, Preference Center | By B2the7
An eMail preference center is a great way to let your customers/subscribers determine how you communicate with them and with the content they want. A preference center can also help in keeping your customers engaged and to help retain them