I focus on Restaurants & QSR Brands… Why Restaurants/QSR? I have 20 years of experience running successful data-driven marketing programs at Papa John’s that drove engagement, sales, transactions and increased comps. Types of brands I love working with… 1️⃣ Brands

A loyalty program is a great marketing strategy to reward customers based on their behavior and engagement with the brand. There are 4 high level areas of why… 1) The data you are collecting2) Reach customers3) Retain customers4) Regain customers

What does #ContentMarketing mean to you? Check out the After Chat discussion with Anna Scheller around #ContentMarketing, #SocialMedia and the importance of Twitter Chats to help you gain more insights to improve your programs and approach. Lots of fun and

Want to improve your marketing reach? Have marketing questions? Interested in keeping up with what’s happening in the world of traditional or digital marketing? If you answered yes check out this episode Marketing Mondays with Ira Bowman! I was honored

To start, your social media audience isn’t everyone! Your audience are the people you want to reach with relevant content in the channel they prefer to engage with you. Who are these people and how do I identify them? 🎯

MarTech is a trending term that is short for marketing technology. MarTech is the tech that Marketers use to help plan, execute and measure marketing campaigns that can be either omni-channel or cross-channel (and many other campaigns). MarTech is great

#RelationshipMarketing is different than your traditional marketing in that it focuses on on long-term customer loyalty and engagement instead of short-term sales. On 8/8/19, I hosted a Twitter Chat with guest Jessika Phillips of NOW Marketing Group with the topic

Email marketing is for brands of all sizes – large, small and solo. Email marketing is still very effective to turn prospects into loyal fans and to build an even better relationship with your existing customers. I had a Twitter

Relationship Marketing Ask yourself… Who do you want to target? #Digital360chat #digital #marketing