Getting to know Doyle Buehler from 9,963 miles away.

June 14, 2019 | Posted in #BeingABetterPerson, Career, Digital360Chat, InTheSpotlight | By

The wonderful thing about social is that location is not a barrier. The distance between Louisville, KY and Australia is 9,963 miles or 12 hours ahead of Louisville time. Back in April, Doyle Buehler and myself didn’t let those 9,963

Getting to know Ira Bowman and his career

June 4, 2019 | Posted in #BeingABetterPerson, Digital360Chat, InTheSpotlight | By

Last week I had the pleasure and opportunity to interview Ira Bowman on Twitter and put him in my #InTheSpotlight with the #Digital360Chat career internet. A couple things about Ira…he sells printers in the SF Bay Area, & founded #ProjectHelpYouGrow