Your resume is often the first impression a employer has of you. It has the power to open doors for you – and if done correctly it will help you stand out. A resume should include your objectives, your skills

This was the question that I ask within a poll I was running – 64% said yes and another 13% ask for more details. ‪There is so much to a job search and so much to think about – as

There are lots of ups and downs! Stay positive, network like crazy and keep pushing forward. I’m here to help you and to share what is working for myself to make your job search easier. 🎯 Tools to help in

We are in a virtual world with Zoom calls, Microsoft Teams calls, Google Meet and so on. The question that I have received lately is “how do you dress and prepare for a virtual interview?” My recommendation, Dress for success

Some of the frustrations many job seekers are experiencing when they apply for a job is they may get rejected and then ask for feedback and hear crickets or are ghosted. If someone ask for feedback, take the time to

With so many searching for new jobs, I want to share the elements that will help others. Today, I want to share the elements of a good LinkedIn profile. Many employers and recruiters will use LinkedIn to research you, see

Super honored to have been a guest on the Kelly Robinson’s “All Things Hiring” Podcast. Hosted by Kelly Robinson, the Founder and CEO of Panna Knows – talking about all things hiring from one recruiter’s perspective. The Podcast covered… 👉

As I go through my job search, I want to share the elements that I’m finding helpful. Today, I want to talk about the importance of a job search plan. What is a job search plan? Think of it as

This past year has been very difficult for so many people. Trying to find work in normal times is stressful, even more now during COVID. Want to share 5 tips to help you get started in your job search 🎯

You may have heard the Papa John’s 🍕 news from a couple weeks ago about PJs opening a new headquarters in Atlanta. While this does sound exciting, it is something that is not in the cards at this time and